Chromatography Software

Instrument Solutions is brand-independent and flexible in the possibilities for a Chromatography Data Station (CDS). This choice depends on the brands and types of instruments you want to control.


Clarity is an advanced Chromatography Data Station (CDS) with optional software modules for data acquisition, data processing and control that can be connected to virtually any GC through a variety of data acquisition interfaces (A/D converters, LAN, USB and RS232) and/or HPLC.

Clarity can drive up to 4 independent chromatography systems with each system up to 32 signals. You can follow ongoing analyzes on your iPhone or Android device through Clarity2Go!

Compass Chromatography Data Station

CompassCDS is the universal Chromatography Data System from Scion Instruments. It is designed for controlling instruments, acquiring measurement data, processing analysis data and creating reports.

CompassCDS comes from the legendary Galaxie CDS and has evolved into the latest generation CDS that easily integrates with LIMS, PCS/SCADA, ERP and other widely used data management systems.


Glarity2Go is the mobile version of the Clarity Chromatografie Station.

Hiermee kunnen geselecteerde parameters van een lopende sequentie of een enkele analyse van uw smartphone gemonitord worden. Het gebruik ervan is gratis voor alles Clarity station gebruikers en werkt als zowel de smartphone en de PC met Clarity toegang tot het internet hebben.

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