SCP Science

SCP Science has been active in the market of inorganic analytical chemistry since 1980. They develop specialised products for atomic spectrometry. These include inorganic standards in aqueous solutions and Conostan oil standards.


ISO 9001 registered
ISO 17025 accredited
ISO Guide 34 accredited

PlasmaCAL calibration standards are a full set of Single and Multi-element calibration standards for plasma Spectroscopy. SCP Science has 70 Single element standards in stock. These have a shelf life of up to 21 months for unopened bottles and 15 months for opened bottles. With the exception of scarce earth metals, all standards are available in a concentration of 1000µg/ml and 10000µg/ml, packed in bottles of 125ml and 500ml.

Conostan oil standards

The Conostan® division of SCP Science is the world’s leading producer of elements in oil standards and related spectroscopy products.

They have gained this position through superior product chemistry, production technology and oil standards. Conostan products are widely used for the calibration of analytical instruments for the analysis of elements in oil and other organic liquids.

Conostan is for The National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) the only source for Metallo-Organic standards.

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