In-line gas filters

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In-line gas filters Super Clean™ Trap

SGT Scientific Glass Technology has developed an In-line GC Gas Filter System Super-Clean™ Traps to quickly and easily change In-line Gas Filter Cartridges without oxygen ingress at the time of filter change. This is ensured by spring Check Valves which ensure that the line is closed when the filter is disconnected and does not open until the new filter is clicked into place. This way your system will not be contaminated when changing the filter.


Why is gas purity important?

Depending on the configuration of the gas chromatograph, you will need one or more gases. Pollutants in the gases can cause ghost peaks in the chromatogram and thus make your analytical data less valid. The carrier gas must contain less than 1 ppm of oxygen, moisture or other trace contaminants to prevent degradation of GC columns, to extend the life of GC columns and to reduce bleeding of the stationary phase. But detector gases also need to be clean to measure components at low concentrations. For example, hydrogen, air and make-up gas from an FID detector must be free of contaminants to avoid fluctuations and excessive baseline noise.

Gas scrubber filters placed close to the gas chromatograph prevent many problems, extend the life of columns, reduce maintenance on the GC and provide more reliable data. Especially when using 5.0 or 6.0 quality gases.

Components In-line Trap System

Click-On connections

– Reusable inlet and outlet connections for the gas pipe that can be used to replace in-line cartridges without contamination.

– Check Springloaded Valves that cause the line to close when the filter is disconnected and does not open until the new filter is clicked into place.

Click-On Inline Trap

The In-line Traps are made of stainless steel, or glass with a protective plastic casing. The seals at both ends of the Staircase are only punctured when the Click-On connection is clicked into place.

Universal Clip Assembly

Electronic indicator

Warns when filter needs to be replaced or serviced. A saturated filter is a major risk factor for the reliability of the analyses. It can release accumulated contaminants that cause large deviations from the results and therefore unnecessarily shorten the life of the GC column. The use of the indicator is optional.

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