3MCPD automated sample preparation


3MCPD, as well as Glycidol and 2MCPD, are components that can be reprocessed using 4 known methods before being analysed with a GCMS. For MCPD/GE 3 official methods are in use:

These methods are:

  • A method: Unilever method – AOCS Cd 29b-13 (official)
  • B method: SGS ‘3-in-1’ method – AOCS Cd 29b-13 (official)
  • C method: DGF method – AOCS Cd 29c-13 (official); this has been further developed by Axel Semrau into DGF Fast & Clean method.
  • Zwagerman-Overman method – AOCS Cd 29C-13 (is in process of official recognition).

Because all methods have advantages and disadvantages, Axel Semrau has created a flexible workstation that is able to use all 4 methods. For the DGF, Unilever and Zwagerman-Overman methods, the sample preparation can be fully or largely automated using the CHRONECT Workstation MCPD. This workstation consists of a PAL-DHR Dual Head from CTC in combination with Chronos software specially developed by Axel Semrau. The injection into the GCMS for the analysis itself can also be automated.

What is 3MCPD?

This is a contamination that occurs in the production process of fat or salted food when heated and is potentially carcinogenic. The Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) is 2µg/kg body weight.

It is found in food mainly as esters. During digestion, 3MCPD is freely formed in the human body. Glycidyl esters are also important. Free Glycidyl is formed during digestion.


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