Prijswinnaars ‘Hoeveel muisjes zitten er in maatkolf’ actie WoTS beurs

Prijswinnaars ‘Hoeveel muisjes zitten er in maatkolf’ actie WoTS beurs

Deze week vindt de WoTS beurs 2022 plaats in Utrecht. Op onze stand hebben we samen met ons zuster bedrijf SALM EN KIPP een leuke actie bedacht waarbij op iedere beursdag 3 taarten voor de afdeling kunnen worden verdiend!

Wat de bezoeker daarvoor moet doen is raden hoeveel muisjes er in de maatkolf van 2 liter zitten.

Degenen die het dichtst in de buurt komen van het werkelijk aantal muisjes zijn de winnaars. Per dag zijn er 3 winnaars en die worden na iedere beursdag hieronder vermeld. De winnaars kunnen een taart verwachten die binnenkort persoonlijk zal worden afgeleverd door een van onze collega’s!

Winnaars 27-9-2022

  • Joyce Welten
  • Ivonne van den Berg
  • Rob van Anraad

Winnaars 28-9-2022

  • Kim van Bergen
  • Martin Elmers
  • Marloes Kamphuis

Winnaars 29-9-2022

  • Suzanne Stoop
  • S. Dekker
  • Siete Brouwer

Winnaar 30-9-2022

  • Evelien Akerboom
  • Tristan Havinga
  • Marjolein de Hart


Custom Inorganic Standards 5 years Shelf Life

Custom Multi Element inorganic standards now have a certified shelf life of up to 5 years through Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) from Inorganic Ventures. With TCT, concerns about storage and transport conditions of standards are eliminated. This saves the lab money and simplifies research by eliminating the need to constantly monitor stock levels and reorder CRMs.

Last year Inorganic Ventures already introduced the TCT technology for inorganic Stock standards. So now this technology is also available for inorganic Custom standards.

Thanks to TCT, your custom standard can always be in stock.


Last year Inorganic Ventures already introduced the TCT technology for inorganic Stock standards. So now this technology is also available for inorganic Custom standards.


Transpiration refers to the wall of bottle allowing water vapor to pass through and/or through evaporation from the closed bottle opening. It leads to increase in the concentration of the CRM/RM.

Transpiration Control Technology extends the shelf life of the product. Inorganic Ventures uses a specially aluminized bag that prevents an increase in concentration until the bag is opened. The sealed TCT bag stops the loss of water vapor from the bottle when equilibrium is reached in the bag. So it is the same high quality product as you have come to expect from them, but even more improved.

To explain the problem and the technology of the solution, Inorganic Ventures has developed a series of animations explaining the frustrations surrounding perspiration. This series is by chemists for chemists.

The latest animation is called “I’m just a Custom Standard“:

Alternative for Gas Cylinders

Gas cylinders in the laboratory or workshop involve risks. Think of gas cylinders that leak with the risk of explosion as a result. And, depending on the type of gas, could potentially cause asphyxiation. In addition, moving can sometimes be a difficult and dangerous undertaking. In fact, having high-pressure cylinder bottles near your employees is an undesirable situation. Finally, there are measures that must be taken to comply with the regulations for gas cylinders.

Fortunately, there is an alternative, namely gas generators. Advantages of this compared to gas bottles are:

  • No explosion hazard
  • Easy to move
  • They don’t run out and don’t need to be replaced
  • Consistent gas purity
  • Economically beneficial

A gas generator only supplies gas when your instrument asks for it. If your instrument is on standby or turned off, the generator will not generate any gas. In the situation that an instrument has to be moved, the generator can be moved more easily. So no hassle to re-install the piping.

Nothing is more annoying if you no longer have spare gas bottles when a gas bottle runs out. It can just happen that there are delivery problems or employees have forgotten to check the gas bottles, resulting in an empty gas bottle. A generator will not run out and will continue to generate gas and will not need to be disconnected.

Perhaps the most important reason for your analysis is consistent gas purity. A gas generator supplies a constant quality of gas, while the purity of gas from a bottle can differ per bottle. That is undesirable for your instrument and analysis results.

The price of gas cylinders is increasing every year. Gas is becoming more expensive and its supply costs are increasing.

Investing in a gas generator has a payback period of approximately 6 to 12 months. This of course depends on your situation.

Instrument Solutions represents Claind Gas Generators and Purifiers. With over 40 years of experience, their gas generators provide a safer and economical way to supply clean gases. Claind’s generators generate pure Hydrogen (H2), Nitrogen (N2) or pure air (O2) for GC, LC-MS, TOC and many other applications.

If you think that gas generators can replace your gas bottles, but you want to know what is possible for your specific situation, our specialists Sina Saidifar and Jan Volkers can advise you without obligation.

pH buffers speciaal voor USP<791>

Bent u werkzaam in de farmaceutische industrie én verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van de ijking van de pH-meter(s) in overeenstemming met USP <791>? CRM’s van Inorganic Ventures bieden vertrouwen, zekerheid en support!

De pH buffers van Inorganic Ventures zijn NIST-traceerbaar en vervaardigd en getest volgens ISO 17034 en ISO 17025 richtlijnen. Elke standaard gaat vergezeld van een gedetailleerd analysecertificaat (CoA), met gecertificeerde waarden voor meerdere temperaturen. Bovendien zijn deze oplossingen geformuleerd om te voldoen aan USP <791> specificaties en zijn direct uit de fles klaar voor gebruik.

Eigenschappen van pH buffers:

  • NIST-herleidbare standaarden, gecertificeerd binnen 5% van de nominale waarden en bijbehorende onzekerheden van niet meer dan 0,05 pH-eenheden.
  • Verpakt in Transpiration Control Technologie (TCT), die de wetenschappelijke integriteit garandeert tot 5 jaar vanaf de datum van productie.
  • Klaar voor gebruik zonder voorbereiding nodig.

Wij bieden een complete lijn van pH ijkstandaarden standaarden, geschikt voor ijking zoals zoals gespecificeerd in USP <791>:

  • pH-1.68
  • pH-4.01
  • pH-6.86
  • pH-9.18
  • pH-10.01
  • pH-12.45 *

* Om de stabiliteit van de oplossing te waarborgen, is pH 12,45 geformuleerd met behulp van KCl/NaOH.

Hebt u een specifieke pH-waarde of formulering nodig die hierboven niet wordt vermeld?

Inorganic Ventures heeft de wetenschappelijke expertise om formules te verfijnen en aan uw specifieke behoeften te voldoen.
Neem gewoon contact met ons op voor een aangepaste offerte of voor meer informatie over onze volledige pH buffer stock standaarden.


Nieuw MultiVIEW magnetron ontsluitingssysteem

SCP Science heeft een uniek, volautomatische magnetron ontsluitingstunnel gelanceerd; de MultiVIEW. SamplePrep voor de ICP-OES en/of ICP-MS analyse.

Bijzonder aan dit systeem is dat grote reeksen monsters die uiteenlopend van aard zijn achter elkaar ontsloten kunnen worden. Dit als monstervoorbewerking voor analyse met de ICP-OES of ICP-MS. Per individueel monster kan dan ook een andere temperatuur gestuurde methode worden toegewezen!

Dit is mogelijk omdat het systeem uitgerust is met 12 dynamische Microwave Cavities die per positie afzonderlijk regelbaar zijn. Iedere positie is uitgerust met een eigen magnetron en IR  temperatuursensor.

Van alle 12 posities wordt real time weergave van temperatuur versus tijd getoond.

In combinatie met 4  AutoLOADER units is het mogelijk om tot 300 monsters automatisch achter elkaar te ontsluiten.

Het systeem wordt geleverd met een geïntegreerd 15” kleuren Touch Screen dat alle operationele parameters overzichtelijk in beeld brengt. Het scherm beschikt over een gebruiksvriendelijke intuïtieve interface die tijdens de run de ontsluitingsparameters laat zien en waarmee u de run op ieder moment kan wijzigen of stoppen.

Als het nodig is om in te zoomen op een afzonderlijk monster, dan kan dat. U kunt een monster op een volledig scherm bekijken met maximale details.  Ter informatie wordt ook de intensiteit van de magnetron power weergegeven.



Maintenance ICP-MS Cones

Maintenance of ICP-MS cones

use your Cones longer, practical tips and background information


Troubleshooting and maintaining your ICP-MS sample introduction system can be a daunting task. However, not following proper maintenance

on a regularly scheduled basis can be costly. This is especially true particular for ICP-MS laboratories that handle a large number of samples. In this article, we highlight why, when and how to maintain your ICP-MS interface Cones, as well as the importance of conditioning the Cone. Also discussed are the advantages of platinum (Pt) coated Cones. It should be noted that these are recommended maintenance guidelines, many of which are borrowed from the ICP-MS manufacturers. Always consult the recommended maintenance guidelines from the manufacturer of your instrument

Most Common Problems

The most common type of problems with ICP-MS Cones are related to clogging of the Orifice or due to corrosion. The interface cones are also very fragile, especially the tip. Damage to the tip changes the diameter of the Orifice and the performance of the Cone. Using Cones that are in poor condition for your ICP-MS can lead to increased background signal, Memory effects, loss of sensitivity and poor precision. All of this can lead to interrupted analyses and having to re-run sample sequences, resulting in lost time and reduced profits.

When to clean?


The frequency with which they need to be cleaned is highly dependent on the
application and the load on the instrument. Excessive cleaning can lead to a shorter life, so unnecessary cleaning should be avoided. If the samples are clean and the usage is low, the Cones may only need to be cleaned monthly. But if, for example, the instrument is in continuous use, and/or the samples contain high levels of dissolved solids or are highly corrosive, then the Cones will need to be cleaned daily.

Sample types

If your laboratory analyzes different types of samples, it may be necessary to clean the Cones in between. For example, one sample matrix contains a high concentration of an element to be analyzed and another matrix is that same element at trace level. To avoid cross-contamination, clean the Cones in between.

Visible Deposits

If there are visible deposits near the opening or if the opening is blocked or distorted. As mentioned above, a deterioration in the performance of the ICP-MS may also indicate that the Cones may need to be cleaned. In particular, watch for increased background signal, Memory effects, loss of sensitivity, or distorted peak shapes.

Change in Vacuum Measurement

A change in the vacuum measurement of the instrument may also indicate problems with the Cones. If the orifice is blocked, the vacuum will increase (pressure drop). A deterioration in the measurement results will be noticeable before this point. If the vacuum decreases (and the pressure increases), this may indicate that the orifice has worn out and become larger. If this occurs, the Cone should be replaced. Since the Sampler Cone is more exposed to the plasma, it will usually need to be cleaned more often than the Skimmer Cone. If instrument performance does not improve after cleaning, the Cones may need to be replaced or refurbished (Pt tipped).

Mode of cleaning

The method of cleaning also depends on the application. If the samples are relatively clean, gentle cleaning is sufficient. In some cases, routine cleaning with a cotton swab and DI water is appropriate. But if the samples contain high levels of dissolved solids or are highly corrosive, a more aggressive cleaning procedure is required. A diluted Citranox solution is a gentle and effective cleaning agent and we recommend trying this first. If Citranox is not effective, it may be necessary to use a more aggressive cleaning agent such as nitric acid.

However, we recommend using nitric acid only when necessary. Nitric acid is more corrosive than Citranox and prolonged use will shorten the life of the Cones. Even Citranox will corrode the copper Cones, so they should not be exposed to high concentrations of Citranox or prolonged exposure to it.

Thread Protection

When cleaning threaded Cones, it is important that the threads do not come into contact with a corrosive solution. If the threads become corroded, the Cone may not seal properly or may adhere to the base and be difficult to remove. And with Pt-tipped cones, there is a good chance that the threads for the Pt insert will wear out. It is also important to keep the threads in good condition to prevent the possibility of thread deformation and possible damage to the instrument body. Glass Expansion has developed the ConeGuard Thread Protector to seal the threads and protect them from corrosion during the cleaning process. The ConeGuard is simply screwed onto the threaded portion of the Cone and O-ring seals prevent the solution from coming into contact with the thread.


Pre-soaking the Cones in a cleaning agent such as Fluka RBS-25 before cleaning with Citranox or nitric acid helps in the cleaning process. Citranox is produced by Alconox Inc. ( and Fluka RBS-25 by Sigma-Aldrich. Fluka is available through us (P/N FLUKA25). Always use safety glasses and gloves. Be careful when handling the Cones; the tip is very easy to damage. Hold the Cone by the edge and use only light pressure with your hand when cleaning the tip. Never use tools to clean Cones. The cleaning process does not necessarily reproduce the original, newly polished appearance. Sample deposits should be removed, but it is usually not a problem if the Cone is discolored. This may even result in a more stable signal (see Cone Conditioning).

Cleaning Methods

There are three common methods of cleaning Cones. The recommended Citranox and nitric acid concentrations, and cleaning times, should be used as guidelines only. Given the wide range of ICP-MS applications and samples, you may need to experiment a bit to find the best cleaning procedure for your application. We recommend that you do not use more nitric acid than necessary, as it will corrode the Cone. If nitric acid is used excessively, the size of the Cone opening may be increased. If this happens, or if the tip is damaged or deformed, then the Cone should be replaced.

The following cleaning methods are listed, from the simplest and gentlest, Method A, to the most thorough and aggressive, Method C.

Method A: Soak in Citranox daily or weekly, depending on the application.

1.Soak the Cones overnight in a 25% solution (4x dilution) of Fluka RBS-25. 2. Rinse with deionized water. 3. Place the Cones in a 2% Citranox solution and soak for approximately 10 minutes. 4. Wipe with a soft cloth or with Kimwipe dipped in the Citranox solution. 5. Wash thoroughly with deionized water. 6. Place Cones in deionized water and soak for 2 minutes to remove any remaining Citranox. 7. Change the deionized water and repeat step 6 at least twice – the Cones should be washed at least three times, each time with fresh deionized water. 8. Rinse with deionized water and allow to dry or blow dry with clean argon or nitrogen. Make sure the Coness are completely dry. It may help to heat them in a laboratory oven at approximately 60 °C

Method B: Ultrasonic cleaning in Citranox, daily or weekly, depending on the application.

Soak Cones overnight in a 25% solution (4x dilution) of Fluka RBS-25. 2. Rinse with deionized water. 3. Be very careful to avoid damaging the tip of the Cone. The Cone should not be placed in the ultrasonic bath without being supported or enclosed. One way to avoid damage is to place the Cone in a sealable plastic bag half filled with a 2% Citranox solution and float the bag in the ultrasonic bath. Make sure the bag floats so that the Cone does not rest on the bottom or touch the walls of the bath. This also minimizes the volume of Citranox used because the bath can be filled with water. 4. Place in ultrasonic bath for 5 minutes. 5. Wipe with a soft cloth or Kimwipe dipped in the Citranox solution. 6. Wash thoroughly with deionized water. 7. Replace the Citranox with deionized water and sonicate for 2 minutes to remove any remaining Citranox. 8. Replace the deionized water and repeat step 6 at least twice – the Cones should be washed at least three times in the ultrasonic bath, using fresh deionized water each time. 9. Rinse with deionized water and allow to dry or blow dry with clean argon or nitrogen. Make sure the Cones are completely dry. It may help to heat them in a laboratory oven at about 60 °C.

Method C: Ultrasonic cleaning in Nitric Acid, weekly or monthly, depending on the application.

Soak the Cone overnight in a 25% solution (4x dilution) of Fluka RBS-25. 2. Rinse with deionized water. 3. Be very careful to avoid damaging the tip of the Cone. The Cone should not be placed in the ultrasonic bath without being supported or enclosed. One way to avoid damage is to place the Cone in a sealable plastic bag half filled with 5% nitric acid and float the bag in the ultrasonic bath. Make sure the bag floats so that the Cone does not rest on the bottom or touch the walls of the bath. This also minimizes the volume of nitric acid used since the bath can be filled with water. 4. Place in ultrasonic bath for 5 minutes. 5. Wipe with a soft cloth. 6. Wash thoroughly with deionized water. 7. Replace the nitric acid with deionized water and sonicate for 2 minutes to remove any residual nitric acid. 8. Replace the deionized water and repeat step 6 at least twice (the Cones should be washed at least three times in the ultrasonic bath), using fresh deionized water each time. 9. Rinse with deionized water and allow to dry or blow dry with clean argon or nitrogen. Make sure the Cones are completely dry. It may help to heat them in a laboratory oven at about 60 °C. After cleaning your Sampler and Skimmer Cone, it is also important to check the condition of the Cone’s consumables. Many Sampler and Skimmer Cones rely on a gasket or O-ring for a good seal. Installing a new or recently cleaned Cone with a worn gasket or O-ring can prevent proper vacuum and result in rapid overheating of the Cone. Some Cones require additional screws for installation within the interface. Heavily corroded screws can lead to the same problems and in some cases result in an increased iron background, as many of the screws are made of steel. You don’t want to ruin a Cone for an O-ring or gasket. Therefore, we recommend replacing the Sampler’s gasket every time you replace the Sampler Cone to ensure a good seal. Check the condition of the O-rings regularly and replace them if they show signs of cracking.

Cone Conditioning

To ensure the lowest background levels of copper and nickel, conditioning of Cones before use is recommended. A conditioned Cone with a uniform coating will also result in better long-term stability. Brand new Cones and Cones that have been cleaned should be conditioned before use. To condition your Cones, prepare the following conditioning solutions:

  • 1.0% nitric acid solution
  • 50 ppm calcium in 1.0% nitric acid.

Install the new Cones or recently cleaned Cones in the instrument. Turn on the plasma and set robust plasma conditions:

  1. Aspirate the 50 ppm calcium solution for 10 minutes
  2. Switch to the 1.0% nitric acid solution and aspirate for another 10 minutes.

Another recommended procedure for conditioning the Cone is to aspirate your highest matrix sample for at least 30 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of aspirating your blank or rinsing the solution. This method is useful if your laboratory analyzes a common matrix every day.

Platinum Tipped Cones

When treating a high TDS matrix analyzed by ICP-MS, Pt-Cones are often preferred in place of Ni. The Pt insert becomes warmer than Ni, which slows the buildup of salts at the aperture. This allows the ICP-MS analyst to work longer before maintenance on the Cones is required. Pt tipped Cones are also recommended for the analysis of sample matrices containing aggressive acids such as hydrofluoric acid (HF), sulfuric acid (H2SO4 ) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4 ). For the lowest detection limits, Pt-tipped Cones are often used in the semiconductor industry. For more aggressive samples, for example a combination of high TDS and high acid concentration, a Sampler Cone with a larger diameter Pt insert can be used. For some ICP-MS models, a Sampler is available with a 10, 15 or 18 mm Pt insert. The larger insert provides a much longer life due to the larger surface area. A Glass Expansion customer found that the 15 mm and 18 mm inserts lasted 18-24 months compared to 6-8 months with the 10 mm inserts, or as long as the Orifice was good.

Options for Agilent ICP-MS instruments

For Agilent ICP-MS instruments, a variety of different Cones and Skimmer Insert combinations are available from manufacturer Glass Expansion so that the best option can be chosen for your laboratory. As an example, Glass Expansion’s Sampler and Skimmer Insert options for the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS are listed in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. It is recommended that Pt Skimmer Cones be used with a brass Skimmer base and Ni Skimmer Cones be used with a stainless steel Skimmer base. Choosing the correct Skimmer base helps prevent overheating and extends the life of the Skimmer Cone.

Table 1. Glass Expansion Agilent 7900 Sampler Cone Options
DescriptionP/NOEM P/N
Nickel sampler coneAT7701-NiG3280-67040
Standard with x-lens, suitable for most applications
Nickel plated Nickel
sampler cone
AT7701-Ni/NiG3280-67061For samples with > 0.5% HCl or for routine operation with UHMI
Aluminum sampler coneAT7701-AlFor lowest nickel background and laser ablation applications
Platinum sampler coneAT7706-PtG3280-67036
Standard with s-lens, for lowest detection limits and for higher matrix samples with
Platinum sampler cone (18
mm insert)
For use with high viscosity, high boiling point acids
Platinum sampler cone
Boron Free
AT7706-Pt-BFFor lowest boron background
Nickel plated Platinum
sample cone
AT7706-Pt/NiPIncreased durability for samples with > 0.5% HCl
Platinum sampler cone with
Nickel base
AT7706-Pt/NiUsed when cone deposition is rapid due to high TDS
Platinum sampler cone (15
mm insert) with Nickel base
AT7706B-Pt/NiFor use when cone deposition is rapid due to high TDS and increased durability

Table 2. Glass Expansion Agilent 7900 Skimmer Cone Options
DescriptionP/NOEM P/NRecommendation
Nickel skimmer cone for
AT7902X-NiG8400-67200Standard with x-lens, suitable for most applications
Aluminum skimmer cone for
AT7902X-AlFor lowest nickel background and laser ablation applications
Platinum skimmer cone
Copper base for x-lens
AT7908X-PtG8400-67201Lowest detection limits and high matrix samples
Platinum skimmer cone
Nickel base for x-lens
AT7908X-Pt/NiG8400-67202Organic analysis with x-lens
Nickel skimmer cone for
AT7702S-NiG3280-67066Economical option for the s-lens
Copper skimmer cone for
AT7702S-CuG3280-67067Economical option for the s-lens
Platinum skimmer cone
Copper base for s-lens
AT7708S-PtG3280-67064Standard with s-lens, aggressive acids and lowest detection limits
Platinum skimmer cone
Nickel base for s-lens
AT7708S-Pt/NiG3280-67065Organic analysis with s-lens

Table 3. Glass Expansion Cone Availability
ICP-MS ManufacturerNiAlPtPt -Boron FreeCu
Fluidigm (TOF-ICP-MS)X
Nu InstrumentsXX

Texst: Ryan Brennan en Justin Masone van Glass Expansion, USA

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6 reasons to stop preparing standards yourself

Are you tired of the limitations associated with buying standard reference materials through standard catalogs? It can be a huge waste of time; scrolling through endless product pages, each with different concentrations and matrices, without any guarantee that you will find the best analytical standards for the task at hand.

Many chemists often skip this laborious process and mix their own analytical standards. However, this method also has pitfalls. Such as extra hassle and non-negligible risks.

Fortunately, there is a better solution. Custom Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) from Inorganic Ventures. This is simple and faster way to get the right analytical reference standards for your specific applications.

A certified, NIST-traceable product delivered by elemental compatibility experts provides complete peace of mind.

It is very nice to have them take on the tough work and reduces for you the inefficiency in time associated with off-the-shelf products, as well as the risk of mixing analytical standards yourself in the lab. The technical team at Inorganic Ventures does nothing but custom produce analytical standards.

Here are the 6 reasons why CRMs custom made by a specialist are superior to analytical standards you mix yourself:

1 Mixing analytical standards is expensive

Blending single-element analytical standards into a working solution demands  both resources and time. Consider the administrative, equipment and labor costs of stocking and measuring re-order points per solution. This quickly leads to a significant ongoing investment.

Using custom analytics standards from Inorganic Ventures ensures that you only pay for what you need. This makes inventory management much easier. Our CRMs are ready for immediate use without further preparation, and you can easily dilute each standard directly from the bottle.

Inorganic Ventures offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

2 Documenting analytical standards is a pain

You always bear the burden of proof when mixing your own calibration standards. Laboratories that are held to the most stringent testing parameters must diligent that every standard is produced to the highest of standards. This requires an enormous degree of confidence and organization. It also requires nerves of steel if you are faced with an audit.

When using a custom product from Inorganic Ventures, all regulatory documentation and associated paperwork (CoA and SDS) is taken care of for you, and is readily available for audits. Their standards are manufactured and certified under their ISO 17025 and ISO 17034 Scopes.

3 Human error is a real risk

To err is human and even experienced chemists make mistakes. When you blend analytical standards yourself, you are bound to question the validity of your results at some point. Unfortunately, there is no room for error in the analytical industry. Perhaps you may experience compatibility issues when mixing your calibration standards because of incorrect additions or an improper matrix – or a host of other common problems.

Common human errors that may compromise the integrity of your DIY working standard include:

  • Incorrect calculations or dilutions
  • Accidental use of the wrong standard, leading to the wrong concentration
  • Improper use of the matrix, which can cause interferences
  • An unstable matrix due to poor knowledge of the required stabilizers
  • Recording the wrong weight (if preparing gravimetrically).

Inorganic Ventures’ technical team carefully checks all of their custom blends to ensure compatibility and stability of your analytical standard. All CRMs are then validated through a robust QC process to ensure absolute accuracy.

If necessary, we can advise you if/how standards can be combined to create a stable working solution. Several stability studies have been conducted to strengthen the methods.

A certified, NIST-recognized custom product provided by elemental compatibility experts provides complete peace of mind.

4 Storing analytical standards can cause even more problems

Transpiration can gradually increase the concentration of your analytical standards over time. Unfortunately, there is no way to combat this phenomenon when mixing your own working standards in-house. Reason is that it occurs as a result of water vapor entering the mixture, either through the walls of the container or through the opening.

Inorganic Ventures has developed a proprietary packaging system that effectively mitigates transpiration, preserving the integrity of the CRMs over longer periods. Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) prevents transpiration from the bottle by means of an equilibrium inside the hermetically sealed container. Analytical standards packaged in this manner maintain their integrity for up to five years after the production date. Products can be stored in the TCT bag for up to four years and then again for up to one year after removal. The time and cost savings associated with constantly replenishing supplies are effectively eliminated, significantly alleviating your storage concerns.

5 Your laboratory could be introducing contaminants

Analytical standards must be packaged in ultra-clean bottles, and sterilized laboratory equipment and clean starter materials are used to prepare the CRM. It is possible to replicate these strict cleanliness conditions in your own lab, but this is another example of the labor intensity and cost requirements of mixing calibration standards yourself.

The team at Inorganic Ventures has conducted extensive leaching studies to examine the contamination levels in all the materials used to manufacture their CRMs. They purchase the cleanest components (starting materials, weigh boats, pipettes, bottles, etc.) and properly leach them all to obtain the cleanest possible analytical standard. In doing so, they have access to a dedicated clean room with a HEPA filtration system and ultra-pure acids for production. This ensures that no environmental contaminants are introduced at any point.

6 You have nowhere to turn when you get unexpected results

It can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the source of errors when your results are disappointing. Simple errors, such as exceeding the volume, will require boiling the concentrate, usually in glass, which can only introduce more pollutants. The only solution then is to start all over again.

Inorganic Ventures’ technical support team is ready to assist with sample preparation and is highly skilled at solving problems that arise during testing. Trust their expertise when you encounter unexpected problems. Inorganic Ventures offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Are you ready to stop mixing your own calibration standards and try out a custom CRM from Inorganic Ventures? If so, contact us today for your first created quote. You can also always call us with your questions at +31 (0) 88 46 78 786.


New design GenoGrinder® 2010

The design of the Geno/Grinder® 2010 has been completely redesigned! This proven homogenizer with large processing capacity for plant and animal tissue has not only undergone a metamorphosis in terms of appearance, but also functionally! 

  • The design of the Geno/Grinder® 2010 has been completely redesigned! This panel is tiltable and removable which makes it more pleasant to operate..
  • Position of the clamp is now ‘Landscape‘ instead of ‘Portrait’ making it easier to place the samples
  • Produces less noise due to better insulation
  • Larger observation window and LED interior lighting provide a better view of the samples during the run
  • Safer; lid lock makes it impossible to open the lid during the run
  • Programmable parameters include run time, speed, cycles and pause
  • Assign different permissions per user to specific protocols and functions
  • It records information of interest to Technical Service

Proud to be sisters!

Two proud sister companies, two trusted names, SALM EN KIPP and Instrument Solutions (Instrument Solutions was recently acquired by the owner of SALM EN KIPP), with a track record of respectively 122 and 22 years in the laboratory industry!

Both sisters continue to operate independently.


By joining forces we offer you more than twice the knowledge, (technical) service and laboratory products and you don’t have to do anything extra for it. Our employees will arrange everything for you in the background. Both sisters are in close contact with each other and look for the best solutions for you.

We put you, our customer, first and because we have years of lab experience (144 years together), we speak your language. Thanks to our honest and professional advice, you can rely on the sisters SALM AND KIPP and Instrument Solutions for the supply of equipment, accessories, consumables and technical support.

We are genuinely proud of this partnership, proud of what we have already achieved together with you. And a little proud of where we are going with you in the near future.

Little girls grow up, and faster than you think.


Questions? Feel free to contact one of the sisters!



Instument Solutions distributor for Interchim PuriFlash Systems

We are proud to announce that the French multinational Interchim has appointed  Instrument Solutions as business partner for the Dutch market for the sale of PuriFlash purification systems and PuriFlash consumables.
The Flash purification systems of Interchim consist of instruments for the purification of organic compounds in Normal Phase and Reversed Phase. Besides organic compounds, Interchim also offers instruments for the purification of Peptides & Oligonucleotides. In fact, PuriFlash replaces the classical HPLC column for purification.

Choosing a puriFlash® system means benefiting from state-of-the-art technology with a minimum space requirement, which guarantees optimisation of your working time and increased safety for your samples. Increase your productivity and rely on your purification system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Complex technologies, hidden behind a simple button, take your Flash purifications to another dimension.

With a wide range of ready-to-use puriFlash consumables in combination with comprehensive application support, we take the burden off your laboratory staff.
The range for purification systems consists of:
– Flash Purification – pressure (up to 50 bar) and flow up to 825 ml/min)
– Preparative Purification – under high pressure (up to 250 bar) and relatively low flow (up to 250 ml/min)
– Ultra Preparative Purification – under very high pressure (up to 400 bar) and relatively low flow (125 ml/min)
– Peptides & Oligonucleotides Purification – pressure and flow similar to those of Preparative Purification Systems

Intersoft X – the intuitive and user-friendly operating software

An ultra-optimised user experience and interface for simplified operation.
With Intersoft X, you will be able to use the full power of your puriFlash® purification systems. And all that with fingertip control or a stylus pen.


To determine the correct purification method, you use Genius. This is the artificial intelligence that recommends the best purification method based on your TLC and HPLC data. This intelligence is part of the InterSoft X software.

No matter how skilled you are in chromatography, Genius and its brand new features Flash & Go, Load & Go and Boost & Go as well as RFID recognition, will enable you to increase the productivity of your laboratory and achieve expert results for all your purifications.

The video below shows how to determine the optimum purification method for the puriFlash 5.020 system on the basis of a 4-component sample: